TOP 10: Shenyang Overseas Elites Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (CN) – 2021

The Shenyang Offshore Innovation Service Center (SGDS) is part of the Sino German Hi-Tech Park (SGHTP) and provides comprehensive support for foreign companies and experts operating in the region. It acts as a focal point for resources, advice and networking opportunities and plays a crucial role in promoting innovation and collaboration. Overall, the SGHTP, supported by the SGDS, is a vibrant center for cross-border innovation and partnerships between Germany and China, which contributes significantly to strengthening economic and scientific relations between the two countries.

With our innovative solution Brextor® (pile head cutter) we passed the pre-selection and were invited to the online pitch in front of a German-Chinese expert jury. Taking part was an exciting experience and gave us a good insight into possible partnerships.

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