The VDBUM is a respected organisation that specialises in promoting innovation in the construction, environmental and mechanical engineering sectors.
It represents the interests of companies and experts from these sectors and actively promotes technical progress in the construction industry. In the category “Advancement Award” in which we achieved second place, particularly promising innovations that have the potential to sustainably improve the construction industry are honoured. This award represents an important milestone and is impressive proof of high quality and degree of innovation of Brextor®.
At the event, we also had the opportunity to present Brextor® to an interested audience in an informative presentation in order to further increase awareness of Brextor® in Germany. This forum provided an excellent opportunity to present our product to a wide range of experts and decision-makers in the construction industry.
We are confident that this award will help us to convince other potential customers of our outstanding product. This means that more and more construction companies will be able to rely on our innovative technology in the future.